
Hello, and welcome to my Blog. 

You can also visit my official website Anita Chowdry Visual Artist for more about my creative projects.

I am Anita Chowdry, visual artist, researcher and educator based in London. I have lived and worked in this city for more than twenty-five years.

I see my artistic practice as a journey in which I can discover and learn about all sorts of fascinating things. It has taken me to 16th century royal workshops, to the alchemy of processing colours from minerals and metals, through some fine libraries, to the forges of master blacksmiths, and to the sublime realms of geometry and mathematics.

I have been involved in gallery and museum based education for most of my working life, running public workshops and education programmes and staff development workshops. Institutions I work with include:

City Lit, London.

V&A museum,London.

The British Library,London.

The British Museum,London.

School of Oriental and African Studies, London.

Bodleian Libraries, Oxford.

Museum of the History of Science, Oxford.

This blog is a platform for sharing observations and some of the projects and creative ideas that I have been involved with. I love it when interesting people interact and share their own ideas and observations – so please feel free to comment on the posts that interest you, or send a comment through the contact page.

You can also subscribe to my mailing list for occasional newsletters about events, exhibitions, workshops and limited edition art.